Dikarenakan belum awal bulan dan kantor ini sibuknya diawal bulan aja, jadi hari ini buanyak waktu luang buat leyeh-leyeh didepan fasilitas kantor (tolong ini jangan dicontoh).
Dan ditengah kebosenan yang tak berkesudahan ini, saya memutuskan *halah* untuk mencari hastag paling ngehe (soalnya bikin sakit hati) tapi saya suka.
Hei! Bukannya rasa sakit hati itu memang candu? Hihihihi
Hastag ini *kayanya sih* awalnya dimainin sama @miund & @aMrazing, dan postingan dengan hastag ini nyelekit banget dihati.
Ada satu blog post aMrazing yang merupakan kumpulan dari hastag ini, kumpulan #PecahDiUbud yang ini saya kumpulin dari tweet aMrazing di tanggal 4 Agustus 2013.
#PecahDiUbud pada tanggal 4 Agustus lalu bertema "Unsaid Love".
Hayooo pada ngaku berapa banyak yang pernah menyimpan sendiri rasa cinta dan membiarkan orang yang kita cintai berlalu begitu saja tanpa pernah tahu perasaan kita? Rasanya.. sakit bray *hiks*
Jadi, inilah beberapa tweet dengan hastag tersebut :
There are things better left unsaid. There’s ‘I love you’
better left untold. #PecahDiUbud
I remember when we first met. I remember when we shook
hands. I remember the butterflies in my stomach, rumbling. #PecahdiUbud
I wish i had the courage to say what i needed to say. I wish
I were not a coward and blurted out the truth: i love you. #PecahDiUbud
I wish you could read my eyes. I wish you could read my
mind. And I wish you could read my heart. #PecahdiUbud
When you told me your deepest fear and your secrets, I
wanted to tell you my secret too, that I have fallen for you. #PecahDiUbud
I have fallen for you. Too deep. Too far. Too painful. Too
afraid to tell you. #PecahDiUbud
We talked about everything. Movies, music, poetry.. But we
never talked about our feelings. My feeling. #PecahDiUbud
Out of everyone in the world, why it had to be you? Why it
has to be you? Why it’s always you? #PecahDiUbud
When I finally had the courage, you told me you’re in love. With somebody else
that’s not me. Congratulation. #PecahDiUbud
So I just stood there, smiling. Trying my best to stopped
the shivers down my spine. You’re in love. But not with me. #PecahDiUbud
If I told you what I wanted to tell you earlier, would it
made any difference? Would you in love me instead? #PecahDiUbud
You told me, “I wish you will be as happy as me. I wish you
will find somebody to love too.” I have. It’s you. #PecahDiUbud
It’s funny how I torture myself with things I couldn’t said.
A million what ifs and if only are running in my head. #PecahDiUbud
What if i had the courage? What if you never fall in love
with somebody else? What if we’re meant to be? What if … #PecahDiUbud
A cold beer and a pack of cigarette. A cold night and a
million of stars. A lonely drop of your scent stays. #PecahDiUbud
My arms are wide open. I am hugging you in my head. I
imagine you would love the way I hug you. #PecahDiUbud
It’s pathetic I can only hug you in my head. It’s kinda sad
I didn’t say what I must say. Now it’s too late. #PecahDiUbud
I love you.
I, love you.
I love, you.
I… love you.
So simple to write it down, so hard to say it out loud.
But hey, we are couple. At least, in my head. Maybe that’s
enough for now. Maybe it’s okay to live in denial. #PecahDiUbud
If there’s a light that never go out, it would be a tiny
hope that someday we would be together. Someday. #PecahDiUbud
A quote from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, “We accept the
love we think we deserve.” Maybe I don’t deserve you. Yet. #PecahDiUbud
You can’t fixed something that’s not broken. I am broken but
i don’t want to be fixed. Just let me be. #PecahDiUbud
Just let me be with my endless love for you. Just let me be
with my broken hope. I like how it hurts me. #PecahDiUbud
Nowhere to go. Nowhere to be. Why can’t you be my now here,
and I would tell you a love story? #PecahDiUbud
My version of love story I’d love to tell you: I love you.
You love me. We are happy. Without if only. #PecahDiUbud
Instead of sharing happiness with somebody else, why don’t
share it with me? Oh, I forget. I’m the one who runaway. #PecahDiUbud
I am back. I get to see you again. Every fibre in my body,
screaming. Every atom in my body, longing. For you. #PecahDiUbud
I sit beside you, under your favorite tree, wishing it’s our
love story you’re telling me. #PecahDiUbud
At least you’re happy. It doesn’t really matter how I feel.
You don’t need to know. You’re happy, and that’s it. #PecahDiUbud